Evaluating bids

DiseƱo de Logo

Published on the November 02, 2019 in Design & Multimedia

About this project


I am creating an agriculture exporting company based in Bogota, Colombia. Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world, and many types edibles, such as fruits, legumes, whole grains, among others, are totally unknown for most of the world markets. The aim of this company is to export these products to new markets around the world.

The name of the company SUGUNSUA comes from the ancient Muisca legend of Bochica. The Muiscas are an indigenous people and culture of the Altiplano Cundiboyacense, Colombia. Sugunsua was one of the names of this ancient legend/deity.

The Muiscas described him as a man with white skin, blue eyes, blond or white hair and a long beard to the waist, wearing a blanket to the calves, barefoot and carrying a golden staff. He taught the Muiscas to spin cotton and knit blankets, as well as instilling moral and social principles.

An additional important fact about the Muiscas, is how proliferous their skills as goldsmiths were.

So the objective of my request, is for you to create a logo for this company, which should encompass the exporting basis of the business, relate it with the story of Sugunsua (Bochica), and use the guidelines of the beautiful and unique Muisca goldsmith designs.

You can visit the website (still in construction) here:


The InnovaPandora Group

Category Design & Multimedia
Subcategory Logo design
What do you need? Create a new logo from scratch
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed
Logo type Abstract (A logo featuring an abstract wordmark or logomark)

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed