I want a code that imports data such as a text that will be used to name the created file name, the date, and such things.
I want the code like the one chatgpt made:
import pandas as pd
from docx import Document
# Step 1: Read the Excel log from your provided file path
file_path = r'C:\Users\thebl\OneDrive\Desktop\
TestExcel.xlsx' # Excel file path
df = pd.read_excel(file_path)
# Step 2: Define the starting row and the number of rows to process
start_row = 5 # Replace this with the starting row (e.g., Row index 5)
num_rows = 10 # Replace this with the number of rows you want to process
# Function to replace placeholders in the document
def replace_placeholders(doc, placeholders):
# Loop through each paragraph and replace placeholders
for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:
for placeholder, value in
if placeholder in
paragraph.text =
paragraph.text.replace(placeholder, str(value))
# Step 3: Loop through a specified number of rows starting from 'start_row'
for index, row in
df.iloc[start_row:start_row + num_rows].iterrows():
# Step 4: Extract relevant columns from the row
file_name = row['F'] # Column F: RFI (Word file name)
rfi_date = row['G'] # Column G: RFI date
document_text = row['I'] # Column I: Word document text
block_number = row['J'] # Column J: Block number
building_number = row['K'] # Column K: Building number
# Step 5: Open the template document from the provided path
doc = Document(r'C:\Users\thebl\OneDrive\Desktop\
TestWord.docx') # Word template path
# Step 6: Create a dictionary of placeholders and corresponding values
placeholders = {
'{RFI}': file_name,
'{Date}': rfi_date,
'{Text}': document_text,
'{BlockNumber}': block_number,
'{BuildingNumber}': building_number,
# Step 7: Replace placeholders in the document
replace_placeholders(doc, placeholders)
# Step 8: Save the new document using the value from Column F as the filename
doc.save(f'C:\\Users\\thebl\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\{file_name}.docx') # Save the file to the Desktop
print("Specified Word documents created successfully!")
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