Estamos buscando un perfil con conocimiento administrativo.
Su trabajo consistirá en introducir los datos de las facturas de gastos en nuestra plataforma de contabilidad. Verá a la izquierda de la pantalla la factura escaneada e introducirá los datos a la derecha.
I'm looking for an data entry bookeper with experience in administratives functions.
The bookeper going to work with a cloud plataform. The bookeper going to data entry invoices in the plataform.
The bookeper will see the invoice at left screen and can introduce the information
... Read more at right on the computer screen.
The bookeper will have every days in their screen the list to do.
We would like pay your salary per number of invoices that your introduce.
We could speak about an fix salary too, but we prefer number of invoices. 200 €/month parth time. 400 €/mont full time.
You can work the time you prefer
We are in Spain we need talk with you sometimes, we start to work at 8 and finihsing at 17:00 but I insist, we dont need you work in the same time. View less
Delivery term: Not specified