Need price quote for research work needed below. With all required documents needed.
Secondary Data Analysis to examine Long- Term and /or Potential Cross-Over Effects of Prevention Interventions: What are the Benefits for Preventing Mental Health Disorders?
The purpose of this research is to integrate/harmonize existing data sets from preventive intervention trials implemented early in life to : 1)examine risk and protective factors relevant to later mental health outcomes in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood: and 2) determine whether preventive interventions delivered earlier in life have long-term effects, and/or cross-over effects ( e.g., Unanticipated beneficial effects), on important mental health outcomes , including serious mental illnes 9e.g., Depression, anxiety, suicide ideation and behaviors, psychosis behaviors). Clinical trials not allowed.
Research Plan Content:
State Concisely the goals of the proposed research and summarize the expected outcomes , including the impact that the results of the proposed research will have on the research field involved
List succinctly the specific objectives of the research proposed , to test a stated hypothesis, create a novel design, solve a specific problem, challenge an existing paradigm, address a critical barrier to progress in the field, or develop new technology.
Paperwork Needed:
Project Summary / Abstract- Page Limit- 30 lines of text
Project Narrative - three sentences
Specific Aims - Page Limit- 1
Research Strategy - Page Limit -12
Biographical Sketch- Page Limit- 5
Do not worry about these questions listed below:
Will also need minimum costs to physically perform work?
Will need minimum time frame to physically complete work?
I will send you the forms to fill out once everything else has been completed
thank you,
P.S. You can possibly find a template of a research paper on science
direct.com, Do have a couple files that may help you to complete this work, but it is your responsibility to gather information elsewhere if needed
This job requires a minimum of 18 pages to be written. Yes, I will provide reference materials and samples. It will be your responsibility to look elsewhere if you think you need more materials.
I have over 20 reference materials and samples to provide. Please give your feedback.
Delivery term: November 29, 2019